Brandon Greenberg, PhD

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ISCRAM is Conducting Survey for Masters Degree on EM Information Systems

ISCRAM, the international academic-practitioner group focused on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management is conducting a survey that may be of interest to many people. The survey is looking for input on a Master's level degree in EM with a concentration in information systems.  

I like ISCRAM's approach because it is not just about a particular type of technology such as GIS. Information systems for EM is sorely underrepresented in higher education and something I believe should be in included in every degree program.  This topic is also near and dear to my heart as I have not only written about information and technology in EM, but is also the subject of my research and future work. 

You need not be an expert in information systems, information, or technology to respond to this survey.  In fact a non-technical EM expert may provide some great feedback! 

Please respond by clicking this link or the button below:

Here are the details of the survey provided by ISCRAM:

The Education Committee of ISCRAM (Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management), under the leadership of Dr. Murray Turoff, is seeking to establish guidelines for a Master's level degree in Emergency Management with a concentration in Information Systems (IS) for Emergency Management (EM). 

This survey is designed to solicit the opinions of EM professionals, practitioners and academics, as to what such a curriculum needs to have. Even if you are not an information systems practitioner or researcher, your opinion is valued. The results of this survey may be used for other scientific research by the ISCRAM Education Committee as well. 

The survey is comprised of four sections. The first section addresses general emergency management courses for the program; the second section addresses information specific courses for the program; and the third section addresses which, if any, information systems for EM focused courses should be included in all Master's Degree programs in EM, regardless of the focus of the program. We recognize that specific content of certain courses might be influenced by the country in which they are taught such as what disaster types, risks and threats, response organizations are emphasized. The final section consists of a few general non-identifying demographic questions. 

Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. Identifying information will not be collected and individual responses will be kept confidential. If you choose to provide your email so that we can send to you results of the survey and/or invite you to participate in future work on this project it will be kept separate from the data used for analysis. 

There are no known risks to participating in this survey. You must be at least 18 years of age. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Linda Plotnick at